1. Pro memoria 0:46
  2. Il Gran Magro 0:45
  3. Tema di Marta 0:45
  4. L'inafferrabile sindone 0:45
  5. Lo scirocco 0:45

The story

DICERIA was an intense and tiring writing work more than any other compositions for the theater. The music was performed live by four extraordinary young musicians (Michele Marsella, Salvo Lupo, Giovanni Parrinello, Mario Gatto) with the help of a computer. Before the beginning of the rehearsals I had sketched a couple of themes (Marta and Il Gran Magro) and the initial song but the bulk of the work was done in the theater by retouching, creating and continuously changing the pieces we were working on, in an exciting game of complicity between me, Vincenzo Pirrotta, Luigi Lo Cascio and the whole company.


Diceria dell’untore

Release Date : 6 January 2012
Artist : Luca Mauceri
label : EMA Vinci records
Format : CD